Oral Surgery

Dentist Fanwood

Oral Surgery

Dentist Fanwood

Skilled Oral Surgical Procedures

Dentist Fanwood

Our team is experienced in providing oral surgery. Our philosophy to oral surgery is to provide the most comfortable care possible. We take the time to answer your questions and explain your treatment path beforehand.

  • Extraction
  • Implant Restoration


Gentle Tooth Removal When Necessary

Third molars, or wisdom teeth, are the last set of permanent molars to emerge. These teeth are also the most likely to require extraction, due to any of several complications. However, other teeth may also require extraction if they cannot be saved by root canal therapy or other treatment. Some of the most common reasons to have teeth extracted include:

  • Impacted tooth: the tooth is trapped beneath bone or gums and does not emerge properly
  • Crowding or small mouth: emerging teeth may cause other teeth to shift or crack due to lack of space
  • Decay or infection: when a tooth is affected by extreme decay or infection that cannot be corrected with filling or root canal treatment, it may require extraction

Dr. Tanvi Patel and Dr. Priyaben Patel may recommend the extraction of one or more of your teeth if any of these issues apply to you. During your consultation, we may also recommend sedation dentistry to make your experience more comfortable.

Post-Extraction Care 

After your extraction, you will need to be driven home by a friend or family member. You will require rest, but lie with your head propped on a pillow to prevent prolonged bleeding.

We will apply gauze when your extraction is complete. When it becomes soaked, change it for a fresh piece. Use pain medication and an ice pack as directed for pain and swelling. If bleeding continues beyond 24 hours, contact our office immediately.

For the first few days following extraction, limit your diet to soft foods. Avoid smoking or using a straw, as the pressure created by these actions can slow clotting and loosen sutures.

For more information or an extraction consultation, contact our office.

Implant Restoration

Solutions for Missing Teeth

Dental implants are a safe, durable replacement for missing teeth. Dental implants function and appear like natural teeth. Dental Sanctuary of Fanwood is committed to ensuring optimal comfort and quality care. We use the latest techniques to ensure efficient, stress-free treatment. Dental implants may be paired with replacement crowns for full tooth replacement. They may also be used to anchor dentures. Dr. Tanvi Patel and Dr. Priya Patel will recommend your teeth replacement plan based on your individual needs and preferences.

Benefits of Dental Implants

Dental implants are an aesthetic and effective solution for tooth loss. There are many great benefits to choosing dental implants. Dental implants can:

  • Restore your smile
  • Improve your oral health
  • Improve your speech
  • Improve comfort
  • Improve function
  • Protect the healthy bone structure
  • Provide a long-term tooth replacement solution


There are several factors that Dr. Tanvi Patel and Dr. Priya Patel will consider before recommending dental implants. Some of these include:

  • Adequate bone support to anchor the implant
  • Healthy gum tissue
  • Sinus and nerve location
  • Overall health, including any chronic illnesses

In some cases, Dr. Tanvi Patel and Dr. Priya Patel may recommend advanced treatment for your upper or lower jaw. Your individual plan is based on your unique needs and goals for a healthy smile.

Be sure to let us know about any medications you are taking. Your health and safety are paramount. To see if dental implants may be right for you, contact Dental Sanctuary of Fanwood for a consultation.